Written by RickyFebruary 18, 2025
Ep 22 Book to Movie: Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer
Podcasts Article
Comparing the 2014 New Weird novel to the 2018 Alex Garland movie adaptation SHOW NOTES Jeff Vandermeer’s weird novel Annihilation was published in 2014 to wide acclaim by Farrar, Straus, and Giroux (a publisher not known for weird fiction). It is the first novel in what has become a quartet of novels known as the
Written by RickyFebruary 3, 2025
Ep 21 – Book to Movie: The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Podcasts Article
This episode begins a series of podcasts on specific books adapted to movies. The chosen book is the 1973 novel, The Princess Bride by William Goldman which was adapted into a famous film by Goldman and director Rob Reiner in 1983. SHOW NOTES The original novel, The Princess Bride, was originally published by Harcourt Brace